It was a planet of prosperity, culture and unity. But now, all it will be left with is a dead mass and ruins. It is the worst chaos the Earth has seen in its years. As they say, chaos is a ladder; one can achieve great heights by climbing the ladder of chaos. But right now, chaos is the sword of destruction for them.
All the temples, churches and mosques are full. The entire human race is praying to their God, whichever the God is, but they are praying. They have a reason to pray. Their planet is being chased by Ceres, the dwarf planet as they call it. The massive asteroid is approaching earth with a speed that can completely shatter the earth. It has a reason to approach, Human is the reason…
10 Years before,
The United Nations Space Organization (UNSO) is ready to launch ISS, the heaviest satellite till date. NASA, ISRO, CNES are working in coalition to achieve the gigantic task. Dr. Ravi Chandra is in charge for the mission. The man, who helped NASA launch the Hubble Telescope and worked with India to help ISRO with the historic launching of 104 satellites.
All the arrangements are done. Launch pad is ready for launch. The team is waiting for orders from Dr.Chandra. He is in his office setting necessary contacts with European and Canadian Space Organizations on his Linux-based Dell Alienware series 14 Laptop. The laptop which is nearly impossible to hack and mess with. The laptop suddenly started malfunctioning and a strange shrill frequency sound engrossed the surrounding.
“Deny, deny deny”, the sound kept repeating.
Dr.Chandra in a state of shock called his technical assistants to help with issue. But all in vain, the entire UNSO system lost its control to someone anonymous, to a strange frequency from a strange location.
They couldn’t do anything but to wait for the next step from the intruder. The launch is temporarily dismissed and the cause stated is, ‘Unknown Reason’. Days passed with the captivated LAN network and helpless scientists.
Exactly on the 46th day, the radio receiver catches the unknown frequency. On decoding the frequency, it is found that the intruder is an extra-terrestrial alien warning to abandon the launch. The intruder gave a portal link to contact it regarding the case. Dr. Chandra, without sparing any time, gathered a council of world class orators to communicate with the intruder. They started their communication.
The signal decipher machine successfully started the decryption of signals.
“Hello humans, we are warning you to abort the launching of ISS and self destruct all the satellites launched from earth” said the Intruder.
“Who are you and why are you doing all this” asked Dr.Chandra.
“That is not of your concern, you have to follow what I order or get ready for a mass destruction” hissed the Intruder.
“There there, my friend, let’s not rush to any conclusion, let’s embrace the unknown and conclude something, well for you, well for us” suggested Chandra.
“It’s too late for a conclusion now, we are coming for you, we are destroying your earth, an asteroid will collide you soon” warned the intruder and disconnected the communication.
On tracing the location of the signal, the signal was from a galaxy 600 million light years from earth, namely Hoag’s Object. It spanned about 100,000 light years. A huge amount for a galaxy to span as suggested by the UNSO scientists. The galaxy, shaped strangely like a ring with eight billion stars definitely had some evil in it. Chandra was concerned, deep inside him; he knew that earth was no match for the modern technologies of the aliens.
The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) assembled for the solution. US suggested they should bring together the armies and train them together, UK opposed the matter stating, they have special designed training for their soldiers. Russia, leading the council, suggested completing as many nuclear weapons projects possible to destroy the asteroid. China had some other plans. They wanted to work alone; they do not want any alliance in the army.
A violent quarrel engrossed the surrounding leading to chaos. The meeting was stated a fail and nations started following their own will. Other nations were silent. They were helpless, even if they knew the solution, they couldn’t speak.
Ceres, the asteroid was huge with an enormous radius of 473 km, 33rd largest body in the solar system, composed of water ice and hydrated minerals. Formed 4.57 billion years ago, it had a tenuous water vapor atmosphere, sublime if directly exposed to solar radiation. Hence it would engulf the earth in water if collision occurred.
So, the earth stood in silence and chaos. Death slowly approaching towards living beings.
Back to Present:
The havoc was continuously increasing. Since a decade, scientists were engaged in finding solution on the collision. Nations were merged in their ego and were acting selfishly. There was hardly any progress for the defense of Ceres. Dr. Chandra had had enough. He decided to twitch the finger to get the butter. Working against the UNSC was the only solution to the problem.
He approached Indians for help. ISRO, being one of the most prominent organizations, on a stiff discussion, council wisely suggested that they should look for another unknown signal, allies in space for their help. They shared the idea with UNSO, and the other two organizations agreed on the decision and started the search. As expected, the signal was soon deciphered.
The location of the frequency was 12.7 Billion light years from earth, brightest of all the galaxies, stood the Cosmos Redshift 7. The signal concluded that, it was 3 times brighter than the Milky Way.
“To Infinity and Beyond” sounded the decipher machine.
The sound was not unfamiliar. It was heard, a decade before, the sound was of the space ranger, Buzz Lightyear.
“I knew you would contact” said Buzz.
“But how, I mean, we never thought about life in other galaxy”
“Right from the beginning of the universe we were there, hidden under a dome of security. But now, things have changed. This is an intergalactic emergency. So we had to cross the dome and reveal our frequency.” answered Buzz.
“We are almost destroyed, and the security organizations have nothing to say”
“We have the solution to repel the Ceres, we won’t be able to destroy it considering its heavy mass but we can definitely deviate it from earth.” Buzz advised.
“What should we do then”
“We will bring our magnets to your planet and you will have to unite the nations and use their space centers to create a magnetic field around earth that would repel the Ceres” answered Buzz.
The preparations for transforming the earth into a massive magnetic spheroid started. Only one will save their lives, they all want to live. Will they support?